Gebze, located 41 km.s to İstanbul and 51 kms. to Kocaeli province center and according to population count in 2000 with a total population of 297.150, is the most dynamic settlement center of Marmara region. Population increase rate that is 2 percent in Turkey's average is around 13 percent in Gebze. In Gebze where people from almost all regions in Turkey live, with the immigrations of Balkan, Caucasian, Crimean origins, a complete cultural mosaic is dominant. Gebze, with its characteristics, is mentioned among the main industrial and trade centers of the world. In Gebze, with its economy based on industry and agriculture, industrial establishments are lined up along the İstanbul-İzmit road. Concrete, glass, textile, plastics, machinery, metal items, metallurgy, automotive subindustry factory are the main industrial establishments in the district. Among these establishments there are those that have become famous in Turkey and in the world.
Fast development of the industry in Gebze, caused the draw back of agriculture. Still the production of wheat, oats, sunflower, various kinds of vegetables and fruits that are among the main agricultural products of the district, continue, and additional grapes and olives are grown, even though in small amounts. its that are among the main agircultural producs of the district, vontin›e, Additionally, there are chicken farms where contemporary methods are used. Economical Wealth of Gebze According to State Institute of Statistics, level of income per person in Gebze is about 7,600 USA Dollars and it is the wealthiest district in Turkey. In Gebze hundreds of industrial organizations with middle and large size are active and their numbers are increasing every day. Many of these are sourced with foreign capital. Gebze, parallel to its economical attractiveness, also has the quality of becoming an important center, in the national sense, for AR-GE activities. TÜBİTAK-MAM where hundreds of scientists and academicians are included in its team, Turkish Industry Management and Administration Institute (TÜSS-DE), Gebze High Technology Institute
(GYTE) where hundreds of students receive education, Çayırova Seed Certification Test Directorate providing contribution to Turkish agriculture, Turkish Standards Institute (TSE) General Headquarters, Industry Development Central with Small and Middle Sized Industry (KOSGEB), are among the main research groups active in Gebze.